The Platform met last Thursday 13 February with Mr. Alfonso Aya, Prosecutor for Hate Crimes and Discrimination of the Supreme Court. It was a cordial and intense working session, which helped us to better understand the circular on hate crimes issued by the Prosecutor's Office. With a focus on prevention, the entities were able to present real relevant incidents that were analysed together. Several evidences: the number of incidents is increasing; in addition to hate crime, it is essential to work on the prevention of hate speech and speech that, without being hate speech, fosters polarisation and hinders the free and respectful expression of ideological diversity. And a conclusion: More than ever, it is essential to appeal to our responsibility as citizens in prevention. To this end, we propose three practical keys: Do not produce hate speech, do not reproduce this type of speech in any form (especially through social networks), and do not let it permeate your attitudes and the way you relate to others.